Hey! We’re Amanda & Siobhán

Since 2019, we’ve helped more than 65K people around the world build financial confidence and feel empowered when it comes to their money. We are two friends that set out on a mission in 2019 to turn our +$100K of school debt into +$100K in investments.

What started as a personal journey soon become a global mission as we set out to build the next generation of financially empowered people through accessible education.

Latest From the Blog:

Ready to Start Budgeting?

Start the free 30-Day Money challenge! Plus, get our free Simple Budget Tracker to help you build your own custom budget.

You’ll be on your way to becoming your most financially confident self in no time.

Money 101 Course

A FREE course on the basics of personal finance!

We developed this course to teach you everything we should’ve been taught in school about money (but weren’t)! The course consists of 20 lessons complied into 5 modules:

  1. Money Mindset

  2. Budgeting Basics

  3. Debt Management

  4. Understanding Credit

  5. Savings

And yes, it really is FREE!

Our Partners

We’ve partnered with some of our favourite brands to bring you exclusive deals and offers!